Additional Policies

  • Holiday policies

    • List of holidays observed by Nicole for Pets

    ○ New Year’s Eve
    ○ New Year’s Day
    ○ Easter
    ○ Memorial Day
    ○ Juneteenth
    ○ 4th of July
    ○ Labor Day
    ○ Thanksgiving
    ○ Christmas Eve
    ○ Christmas Day

    Deposits - A 50% holiday deposit is required to schedule for all holiday services except Overnight Pet Sitting.

    Holiday Fees - An additional $15 fee will be applied if services occur on holidays.

    Cancellations - The holiday deposit will be credited if cancellation occurs more than 7 days prior to the scheduled service. The deposit will not be credited and will not be refunded if cancellation occurs less than 7 days prior to the scheduled services.

  • Deposits polcies

    Deposits will never be refunded. Deposits that are credited to your account never expire.

  • Payment methods accepted

    • Cash
    • Check*
    • Venmo
    • Zelle

    * A $35 fee will be charged for any returned check

  • Key Fee

    $15 per drop off/pick-up if there needs to be a “key collection” scheduled after the initial consultation or independent of any scheduled services.

    You may use a lock box if you do not feel comfortable handing out a spare key. Lock boxes provide secure key storage and controlled access to your home to only those with the correct combination.

  • Visitors

    You must notify me if there will be anyone else entering your house while you are away. This includes family, friends, neighbors, workmen, house cleaners, etc.

  • Pictures of your pets

    If you do NOT want pictures of your pets on my website or social media pages, you must notify me. I will turn off the location setting when any picture is taken and never use last names to protect your privacy.

  • Calls to poison control

    You are encouraged to pet-proof your home and keep any potentially harmful substances in a place not accessible to your pets.

    When I arrive for a pet care visit, if I find that your pet has ingested a chemical or other substances, which may be harmful, and if I cannot reach you or your veterinarian, I will call the ASPCA Poison Control Line for immediate instructions on how to proceed. The fee is $65. A charge will be billed to your account for reimbursement if the ASPCA call were placed.

  • Dogs left outside in a fenced yard

    You are strongly advised to not leave your dog(s) outside, unsupervised, in a fensed in yard or electric/invisible fence. I will bare NO responsibility or liability if your pets were injured, become ill, or run away/escape during my scheduled services.

  • Aggressive animals

    You must divulge your pet’s problem or odd temperament as well as any aggressive behavior if there are any. It is at the sole discretion of Nicole for Pets to decline care of any animal that poses a safety risk.

  • Parking

    Reimbursement for metered or parking garage fees may apply. Receipts will be shown to you.

  • Mileage

    All rates are based on travel within a 10-mile radius. Any additional mileage occurred after that will be charged at $0.55 a mile each way.

  • Service Areas:

    Beaverton, Bethany, Tanasbourne, Forest Heights, Skyline, Helvetia, Lake Oswego, Hillsboro, Tigard, and the Portland Metropolitan Area.

  • Emergency veterinarian care

    If your pet requires any type of emergency veterinary care while you are away, you will be contacted first. If you are unable to be reached and your pet’s condition cannot wait, your pet will be taken to the nearest veterinary hospital listed in your account. If you have a veterinarian listed in your account, and they are open and able to see your pet, they will be driven there first. If they are not open or available, or if there is no veterinarian listed, your pet will be brought to the nearest Emergency Veterinary Hospital. All fees charged by te treating veterinary facility are the sole responsibility of yours.

    There will be a $15 fee to transport your pet to and/or from the facility.

  • Addendum to the emergency veterinarian care

    A credit card must be left on file, as some facilities require a deposit to leave your pet for treatment. Your credit card will not be charged under any circumstances other than for veterinarian services.

  • Vaccination policy

    All must have proof of up-to-date Rabies vaccination by a Veterinarian. I cannot care for animals that are not vaccinated unless there is a medical reason.

  • Supplies

    You are required to supply the necessary equipment and supplies needed to care for your pet. This includes, but are not limited to:

    • A sturdy well fit harness and lead rope (harnesses are preferred over collars, as they are generally more comfortable for your pet. Lead ropes are preferred over retractable leashes for safety and effectiveness of training)
    • Poop bags
    • Firmly affixed vaccination tags
    • Pooper scoopers, litter boxes, and litter
    • Food and medicines
    • Cleaning supplies
    • Suitable toys

    Please make sure you have enough of all these things to last for the duration you are gone. If necessary, required items will be purchased for the safe and comfortable care of your pet, and receipts will be provided for reimbursement.

  • All prices, policies, and procedures are subjected to change without notice at the discretion of Nicole for Pets.