Overnight Pet Sitting

  • Finding the perfect place for your pet’s care when you have to go out of town is a very stressful thing for many pet owners. Often, people postpone trips and time away from home for the sheer fact they don’t want their pet to suffer or be uncomfortable.

    These days there are so many options available when it comes to pet sitting. Home Sweet Home. Your pet would prefer being home in their own environment. The familiar sights, sounds and smells of home keep your pet feeling secure. Your pet can sleep in their own bed, play with their own toys rather than being locked up in a room full of cages with other animals. Taking your pets elsewhere for care while you’re away can further stress them, which can lead to stress related illnesses.

    Overnight pet sitting usually is a 12-hour stay. I will spend the night at your home to keep your pets company and safeguard your home while treating it with the utmost respect.

  • Overnight Care includes:

    • Evening pet care routine including dinner, playtime, tummy rubs, undivided attention and love

    • Medication administration (if needed)

    • Overnight Stay

    • Morning pet care including breakfast, playtime, tummy rubs, undivided attention and love

    • Medication administration (if needed)

    • Clean-up of pet areas

    • Bring in mail, watering plants, alternating lights and blinds, and taking out the trash

    • Updates including texts, photos, and even video

  • 24-Hour Around the Clock Care

    This option would be best suited for new puppies or medically fragile pets. I will not be away from your home for more than two hours each day

  • Pricing

    Overnight Stay

    • Dogs - Starting at $65 per night*

    Cats - Starting at $35 per night*

    24-Hour Around the Clock Care

    • Dogs - $150 per 24 hours*

    • Cats - $120 per 24 hours*

    *Base prices are for up to a total of two of the same animals. In a case where there is a cat and a dog, the rate would be the quote for the dog. Each additional dog or cat is $5 per pet/per visit.

    All rates are based on travel within a 10-mile radius, Any additional mileage will be charged at $0.55 a mile each way.

    Prices subject to change without notice.

    A 50% deposit is required to reserve dates. Deposits will be credited if cancellation occurs more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled service. Deposits will not be credited and will not be refunded if cancellation occurs less than 72 hours prior to the scheduled service.