Benefits of Dog Walking

  • There are many wonderful benefits from walking your dog.

  • Dog walking helps keep your dog healthy and fit

    Everyone needs fresh air and exercise to keep them healthy, your pet is no exception. No one likes to be stuck in the house all day. Benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones built up by walking on a regular basis, and decreased stress.

  • Dog walking leads to healthy digestion

    Walking helps your dog’s digestive system. Walks can also aid in relieving constipation so that your dog’s stools are more regular and healthy.

  • Dog walking stops weight gain

    If your dog is getting a little overweight, then it’s time to increase the number of walks that they’re getting. Along with a proper diet, you can keep your pet at their ideal weight with regular walks.

  • Dog walking curbs your dog’s destructive behavior

    Many of our dogs’ common behaviorial problems are caused by boredom. When your dog becomes bored, he begins to look for ways to entertain himself. This can lead to inappropriate chewing, excessive barking, and digging. If your dog is getting lots of exercise, when you leave them for any period of time on their own, they are more likely to take a nap and relax than to start chewing on your shoes or the couch!

  • Dog walking relieves anxiety

    Some dogs get anxious when they are left at home due to separation anxiety. Some dogs have excess energy that they need to release. A wonderful walk not only helps them to release that built up energy, but that time spent with their favorite dog walker gives them something special to look forward to.

  • Dog walking helps with potty training

    With regular walks, they get used to a schedule and begin to know when their bathroom break is.

  • Dog walking socializes your dog

    Taking your dog out for a walk gives them a chance to experience different sounds, sights, smells, people and other dogs. You don’t necessarily need to introduce your dog to other dogs on your walk to socialize them. Just being out in a different places and getting used to different noises can make them more social. When they get used to different sounds, they’re less likely to be nervous and afraid of new surroundings.

  • Dog walking builds confidence

    Whether you have a puppy or an older dog, getting out everyday with them can help with building their confidence and getting them used to being walked. Rescues can often have trust issues about leaving the house and daily dog walks are a great way to build up their trust. The more they are outside, the more they realize they can enjoy the outside world without fear.

  • Are you ready to book a dog walk?